Learn to Skate 4 Week Program
310 Danforth Ave -East End United - Hurndale Room
Progressively building upon skills learned each class, this four week program provides an in depth breakdown of basic skating skills. Every week we will do a deep dive into a skill and allow for plenty of questions, time to practice each drill, and more direct feedback to your development. This program is intended for skaters who are brand new or who are looking to improve on the basic foundations of roller skating.
Classes are conducted in small groups with a maximum of 12 skaters per class.
We offer rental skates and safety pads during our lessons! If you require skates and gear please select the option below and leave us a note at checkout with your shoe size (eg. “US womens 7”).
Week 1 Topics:
- Welcome to class - introductions, class and instructors
- Safety gear and skate anatomy - how to wear your gear properly and knowing the different parts of your skates.
- Balance and footwork - proper posture, safe falling, standing up, walking, side-to-side, transferring weight.
- The basics - moving with penguin steps, bubbles, plow stop
Week 2 Topics
- Recap of week one - proper posture, falling safely, bubbles, plow stop
- Striding - using both feet, breaking down the elements of a strong, stable stride.
- Starting edge work - transferring weight while moving, skating through pylons, one footed balance.
- Simple footwork - stationary one foot balancing, stationary side steps, stationary cross over.
- Skating in clockwise direction
Week 3 Topics
- Recap of week two - bubbles, stops, practice strides, maintaining strong posture and balance.
- Edges - practice emphasizing different sides, c-cuts, weaving using pylons.
- Beginning backwards skating - stationary bubbles with pylon.
- Start crossovers - turning with speed, balancing on one foot, 4 stages of a crossover
- Skating in clockwise direction.
Week 4 Topics
- Recap of week three - edges, transferring weight, transition footwork, crossovers.
- Skating backwards - backwards bubbles, looking backwards, edges, backwards plow stop.
- Beginning transitions - stationary footwork, open and closing book method, practice placing weight on heels and toes.
- Skating in clockwise direction.
- Questions, feedback and time for specific skills breakdown.